Nature's designs are so Eloquently aligned

 Nature's designs are so eloquently aligned,

It's like a tapestry of colors entwined.

The hues of the sunrise warm the sky,

always like a masterpiece that can never die.

The majestic mountains that stretch so high,

are canvases that God did apply.

The emerald green trees with branches so tall,

are like paintings that stand in structured halls.

The birds that fly in the azure sky,

sing melodies that soar so high.

The clouds that roll in like a winter blanket,

are an artist's brush that paints a silhouette.

The silver streams that ripple and flow

Is a brushstroke that draws a perfect show

The Sand that glistens as the sunsets,

is a painting of beauty that you will never forget.

Nature's design is so gracefully crafted,

It's like a poem that's beautifully grafted

The colors of the rainbow that shine so bright,

is a poem that never loses its light.


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